Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Project You - Learn To Let Go

Project You!

Week 5: Learn to let go.

Last time we looked at how self-love must start on the inside, you can read that post HERE. Today I want to talk about letting go of old emotions.

I’m one of the world’s worst for holding on to things from my past. I’ll admit that I’m getting better with age, and having a background in holistic health has certainly steered me down the right route, however, when our past is still impacting on our present then something needs to be done.

If you are a regular reader of my blog, you will have spotted the occasional post about my invisible illness and subsequent depression and anxiety. These are ongoing issues that I deal with in a variety of ways. Yesterday, for instance, I had my first EMMETT treatment, and it blew me away.

Today, I have woken up feeling human again – it’s been two years since I felt ‘normal.' A recurring theme that came up during my treatment was the tension in my neck, shoulders, and back (represents support issues). As a single parent to three teenage children, I guess it’s inevitable that I can feel unsupported on a day-to-day basis.

I’m sure many of you can recall a time when you tried to either ‘fix’ a friend or relative instead of sorting out your own health/emotional issues. I’m great in a crisis and can advise anyone on the perfect course of action, but if I need to turn that support around, I’m often unable to help myself.

The illness and depression have taught me to abandon any hope of being in control. It’s a doomed mission! Instead, I choose to be positive no matter what is thrown at me, and do you know what happens when I take this attitude? I started the process of healing.

The treatment I received yesterday only highlighted how far I’d come on my self-help journey. I was able to spot the issues/limiting beliefs quite quickly and know that I can accept that these things are part of life. I have limited control over certain issues, and it’s extremely refreshing to be able to release that need for control and watch the problem dissolve.

Letting go can be applied to many areas of our life.

  • De-cluttering the house (clears the way for new opportunities and positive energies).
  • Unfriending negative people/pages on social media.
  • Distancing yourself from energy vampires in your day-to-day life.
  • Pursuing an alternative form of health and wellbeing such as the EMMETT treatment.
  • Forgiving and letting go of hurtful behaviours.

Can you think of any other way of letting go and beginning the healing process?


  1. I once wrote a long, long letter to someone/thing that was holding me back. It wasn't a letter to send or post, or even be read - it was to release the emotions, the pain, the bitterness - and it did. I wrote it, I read it, I relived it, I wept, I tantrumed, I yelled, and finally, I burned it.
    I'm not saying full closure has been achieved, but a lot of it was laid to rest with the cremation of the letter. And like you said, the healing process could then begin...

    1. Writing a letter is hugely cathartic isn't it, Lisa. I did something similar when I separated from my ex-husband. I wrote him a letter explaining how much he had hurt me both physically and emotionally. I burnt it too and felt a huge weight lift as it went up in smoke. xxx

  2. My quest to let go is never ending. I am inherently a control freak, but since I've done my yoga teacher training I've made it a mission to encourage non-attachment not only in myself, but also my students. In its very basic form, this means trying to find a place that comfortable in any posture, even if it's not the full posture - eg, keeping both feet in the floor in Tree balance. For me, letting go is closely associated with ego.

  3. So delighted to hear you are feeling human again. How wonderful - you've been through the mill. I hope this is the start of your journey to full health again Shelley.
    I make endless to do lists - but now I just give myself a bit of a pat on the back if I've got even one of them done. And I always find that if something is imperative or important that does get done, so what do the other things really matter. They get done eventually anyway! And what pleasure in ticking them off then. :-) xx
